ES version 7 (2017) introduced two new Sting Methods padStart and padEnd, which cannot be used, since the Rhino Engine is only compatible with ES version 6 released in 2016.
I know, extending a base Object is not the best idea, but since it is limited to that ECMAScript, I believe it is worth a try and so I did:
I added the following code to my ECMAScript Object:
String.prototype.padStart = function(digits,fill){ value = this; while (value.length < digits){ value = fill+value; } return value
This results in the fact, I was able to use the padStart(x,y) Mehod on any Sting like:
testValue= '123'
testValue.padStart(5,'0') returned '00123' as planed
next I addedd the code for padEnd:
String.prototype.padEnd = function(digits,fill){ value = this; while (value.length < digits){ value = value + fill } return value }
As a result the first new method was still working, but when I called the padEnd() method I received the same result as the padStart!
Only defining the padEnd method, was working as expected!
Digging through the web I finally found an example, which led to the following code to introduche multiple methiods at once;
String.prototype = { padStart: function(digits,fill){ var value = this; while (value.length < digits){value = fill+value } return value }, padEnd: function(digits,fill){ var newValue = this; while (newValue.length < digits){newValue = newValue + fill} return newValue; } }
This code does not throw any error in the ECMAScript editor, but using the new methods on a string end with a function not found error.
Can anybody tell me, what I am doing wrong?
Kind regards