Display name in outlook overwrites by Service account managed by owner

I'm not sure how best to explain this because English is not my first language.

What happened in our environment is that we have service accounts mapped to an owner, with the same email address of the owner also mapped to the service account. This means that if we search in SSPR or IDM by email, it will list both the user's record and the service accounts owned by this user. This is fine.

The details of the service account are as follows: the first name is the username/user ID of the service account, and the last name is "Managed by [owner name]." So the display name or full name looks like this: [username] managed by [owner].

We just completed a full upgrade of NetIQ components (IDM, IG, SSPR, Reporting, RemoteLoader, Designer) last week, and I think the issue occurred around this time as well.

The issue: After the upgrade, when we right-click on the recipient in the TO field and choose "Open Contact Card" (not "Open Outlook Properties"), the contact card appears normally. However, after it fully loads the details, the display name of the user changes to this: [username] managed by [owner].

We tried clearing the cache and redownloading the address book, but the issue persists. So, we are not sure if this is an Outlook/Exchange contacts issue or a NetIQ issue.