Bug in Identity Console - Schema naming attributes randomly messed up


Today we got answer from OT support, that Identity Console has a (new) bug which causes Schema classes randomly corrupted while managing Classes and attributes with it. There is going to be a fix in coming versions

Sympthom is that class attributes get updated as naming attributes.

I noticed that one aux class got 53 of it attributes as (Naming).

I wanted to post this as warning - all familiar with Edirectory probably know how labor consuming is to get away from schema problems.

OT Support suggestion to fix schema was:

1 create a IAMUser2 aux class in iManager or use an LDIF file and ldapmodify with attributes in IAMUser class
Identify all objects that have IAMUser aux class present and add IAMUser2 class to those.
Then remove IAMUser aux class from all object's objectClass that have it
Then delete the IAMUser aux class from schema
When deleted a similar process can be used to re-instate IAMUser without the unwanted naming. A
dd IAMUser class to users. Remove IAMUser2 from users. Delete IAMUser2 class


