I am trying to read the "createTimestamp" attribute value of User and for this I have the below policy. I have the User DN in the local variable but not sure how to read the attribute value directly from user dn that's why using the filter "(&(objectClass=user)(cn=tuser01))".
<do-set-local-variable name="lv-UserList" scope="policy"> <arg-node-set> <token-xpath expression="es:ldapSearch($idv-host, $idv-port, $idv-admin-user, $idv-admin-pwd, $idv-search-base, $idv-search-scope, '(&(objectClass=user)(cn=tuser01))', 'createTimestamp', $dtdversion, $idv-ssl-truststore-path, $lv-TrustStorePwd)"/> </arg-node-set> </do-set-local-variable> <do-for-each> <arg-node-set> <token-local-variable name="lv-UserList"/> </arg-node-set> <arg-actions> <do-trace-message> <arg-string> <token-xpath expression='$current-node/attr[@attr-name="createTimestamp"]/value'/> </arg-string> </do-trace-message> </arg-actions> </do-for-each>
By using the above code I am getting nothing, please help me on this. I am using IDM 4.7.3.