SAP HR - Destination does not exist

We are facing problems with one of our sap-hr drivers after an upgrade to Identity Manager version 4.8.7. When adding an associaton to the driver it fails with the following error in the process log:

Read XXXX Table ... [XXXX LIKE 'XXX']
Version: 2014 09 04
SAPhost        :XXXX.XXXX.XXXX
SAPusername    :XXXX
paramPW        :XXXX
Language       :XXXX
Systemname     :XXXX
Tablename      :XXXX
Where          :XXXX LIKE 'XXXX'
Max rows       :12000
Skip rows      :0
Start: ReadSAPTable ...
OutDoc created
RFC_SingleConnection: before getDestinationProperties:XXXX
ReaderDestinationDataProvider: getDestinationProperties( XXXX )
RFC_SingleConnection: getDestinationProperties have returned a value of type:classname = "java.util.Properties"   packagename= "package java.util"
found RFC_SingleConnection: parammhost :"null
found RFC_SingleConnection: paramSysNr :"null
found RFC_SingleConnection: paramClient :"null
RFC_SingleConnection: GetDestination( XXXX ) Error: Destination XXXX does not exist::Destination XXXX does not (106) JCO_ERROR_RESOURCE: Destination XXXX does not exist
RFC_SingleConnection: GetDestination( XXXX ) Error: (106) JCO_ERROR_RESOURCE: Destination XXXX does not (106) JCO_ERROR_RESOURCE: Destination XXXX does not exist::java.lang.RuntimeException: (106) JCO_ERROR_RESOURCE: Destination XXXX does not exist
Exception:java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: (106) JCO_ERROR_RESOURCE: Destination XXXX does not exist
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: (106) JCO_ERROR_RESOURCE: Destination XXXX does not exist
        at com.novell.ncs.jco3.JCoTableReader.RFC_SingleConnection.<init>(
        at com.novell.ncs.jco3.JCoTableReader.idm.ReadSAPTable(
        at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at com.novell.xsl.extensions.JavaMethodInstance.invoke(
        at com.novell.xml.xpath.FunctionCall.evaluate(
        at com.novell.xml.xpath.PathExpr.evaluate(
        at com.novell.xml.dom.DOMEvaluator.evaluate(
        at com.novell.nds.dirxml.engine.rules.RuleDynamicContext.evaluateXPath(
        at com.novell.nds.dirxml.engine.rules.TokenXPath.expand(
        at com.novell.nds.dirxml.engine.rules.Arg.evaluate(
        at com.novell.nds.dirxml.engine.rules.DoSetLocalVariable.apply(
        at com.novell.nds.dirxml.engine.rules.ActionSet.apply(
        at com.novell.nds.dirxml.engine.rules.DoIf.apply(
        at com.novell.nds.dirxml.engine.rules.ActionSet.apply(
        at com.novell.nds.dirxml.engine.rules.DoIf.apply(
        at com.novell.nds.dirxml.engine.rules.ActionSet.apply(
        at com.novell.nds.dirxml.engine.rules.DirXMLScriptProcessor.applyRules(
        at com.novell.nds.dirxml.engine.rules.DirXMLScriptProcessor.applyRules(
        at com.novell.nds.dirxml.engine.Subscriber.processEvents(
        at com.novell.nds.dirxml.engine.Driver.submitTransaction(
        at com.novell.nds.dirxml.engine.DriverEntry.submitTransaction(
        at com.novell.nds.dirxml.engine.DriverEntry.processCachedTransaction(
        at com.novell.nds.dirxml.engine.DriverEntry.eventLoop(
        at java.base/ Source)
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: (106) JCO_ERROR_RESOURCE: Destination XXXX does not exist
        at com.novell.ncs.jco3.JCoTableReader.RFC_SingleConnection.GetDestination(
        at com.novell.ncs.jco3.JCoTableReader.RFC_SingleConnection.<init>(
        ... 27 more
Caused by: (106) JCO_ERROR_RESOURCE: Destination XXXX does not exist
        at com.novell.ncs.jco3.JCoTableReader.RFC_SingleConnection.GetDestination(
        ... 28 more

Result exception Document classinfo: classname = "com.novell.xml.xpath.InsertionOrderNodeSet"   packagename= "package com.novell.xml.xpath"
              ... 0 (12000) records found

The driver starts up without any problems and there is no errors in the driver trace. Network connectivity and the connection settings to the SAP system has been verified with the corresponding teams. We have also verified that the jar files matches between the old and the new servers. As can be seen in the log the getDestinationProperties seems to return null for some of the parameters. 

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    In IDM 4.8.7 they recompiled the JARs in Java 11 but in Java 8 compatibility mode, and in IDM 49 they recompiled in full Java 11 mode.

    The function it is using to get the Destintation information is failing because of a missing class.  Probably one of those moved around in Java 8->11.  

    I would try running this on a 4.8.6 RL with the 4.8.6 shim and report this as a bug to support.  (If you have a test system you can upgrade to 4.9 and test as well thatw ould be even better.  Not everyone has an SAP HR system just sitting around for testing.)

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    This might be a SAP-HR driver, but one of the policies (engine side) is calling a Java extension by Professional Services: com.novell.ncs.jco3.JCoTableReader.idm.ReadSAPTable

    The exception is thrown form SAPs Java Connector library: (106) JCO_ERROR_RESOURCE: Destination XXXX does not exist.

     Are you sure "XXXX" is correct?

     Is see no ClassNotFoundException or NoSuchMethodException. Am I missing something?

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    I forgot about that TableRead class.  I was thinking there was something similar.  I think I may have misread the output as complaining about a class, but on re-read maybe that is how it outputs properly.

    If it read the XXXX value properly, then it would be a different problem.