DevOps Cloud (ADM)
IT Operations Cloud
When attempting to configure and save a remote loader instance on Windows 10, it appears to hang and not complete successfully. Java pid file is created with 0xe06d736 java error in it.
Identity Manager (IDM)
Identity Manager 4.8.3
Remote loader 4.8, or 4.8.3, or 4.8.6
Notes Driver 4.1.2
Windows 10 Pro build 21H2, or 22H2
- Logged into Windows 10 as an Administrator user.
- Installed the Identity Manager 4.8 remote loader on a Windows 10 workstation for use with the Lotus Notes driver.
- Launched the remote loader console and created a new remote loader instance for the notes driver shim.
- Upon clicking OK, the window appears to hang.
- If you close the window, and close the remote loader console, when you re-launch the remote loader console it does not appear to have saved the new remote loader instance you just created. However if you look in the remote loader directory (c:\NetIQ\IDM\RemoteLoader\64bit), you will find the remote loader config file, a remote loader startup trace, and a hs_err_pidxxxx.log file that corresponds to the event.
Last few lines of the remote loader trace
DirXML: [12/01/22 09:54:41.79]: Loader: jvmload: -Duser.dir=C:\NetIQ\IDM\RemoteLoader\64bit
DirXML: [12/01/22 09:54:41.79]: Loader: jvmload: -Xmx512M
DirXML: [12/01/22 09:54:41.79]: Loader: jvmload: -Xms128M
DirXML: [12/01/22 09:54:41.79]: Loader: jvmload: using C:\NetIQ\IDM\RemoteLoader\64bit\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll JVM module
Information from the hs_err_pidxxxx.log file.
EXCEPTION_UNCAUGHT_CXX_EXCEPTION (0xe06d7363) at pc=0x00007fff11bccd29, pid=6920, tid=0x00000000000007c0
--------------- T H R E A D ---------------
Current thread (0x000002e034ca6800): JavaThread "main" [_thread_in_native, id=1984, stack(0x000000e7de600000,0x000000e7de700000)]
siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xe06d7363, ExceptionInformation=0x0000000019930520 0x000000e7de6fdf20 0x00007ff646eea8f0 0x00007ff646eb0000
This issue appears to be rights related.
Launching the remote loader console by right clicking and selecting "run as Administrator" allows the remote loader instance to be created successfully, startup and run normally
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