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A Sneak Peek into the IGA Sessions at the Upcoming Bangalore Developer Conference, 3rd February - 9th February 2024


The following topics will be covered during the event:

  1. Identity Lifecycle Management - Get into the internals of design and how it can help customers adopt the IAM SaaS Platform.
  2. ILM Tutorial - Learn about the upcoming Identity Lifecycle Management service in IAM SaaS
  3. LDAP admin user(s) seamless login
  4. Identity Roadmap Session - Discover the new features and releases for Identity Products (ILM, IDM, eDirectory, Identity Console)
  5. Identity Admin Tools - Learn more about the new administration tools: Identity Console and the Package Deployment Tool.
  6. Identity Admin Tools
  7. NetIQ ACDI - Auditing, Compliance and Data Intelligence in Access Manager & IDM

In addition we have the full-day hands-on workshops to be delivered on the Saturday and Sunday before the main conference. See the Workshops page for more details.

More details about the event here


Identity Manager
Identity Governance
Data Access Governance
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