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PAM 4.0: SSH session list duplicate

Hi all,

We are configuring PAM to use SSH connection to server linux agentless.

When i try to connect to the target system via putty the ilst of target is duplicate.

One is working fine, the other try to login with with SSH 2.0 OpenSSH 6.6.1 and then came back ti menu list without access.

Someone can help me?

  • 0

    In the rules, have you attached an SSH Session?

  • 0   in reply to 
    I also suspect you have a problem with the Rule Conditions in the old Command Control Console that is missing the SSH Session Rule Condition. So there is likely an empty/blank Rule Condition in an authorizing rule that is authorizing both the Telnet and the SSH Session, where you likely intend to authorize just the SSH Session.

    With the new UI, I haven't found a way to duplicate this scenario as the assignment policies are strongly typed/referenced so this scenario isn't likely to occur.
  • Verified Answer

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    Your suspect was correct.

    Problem solved. Was enables telnet and ssh connection.
