I have been trying to implement RDP relay rule. After installation of agent and registration of agent with the framework , the agent is showing in the hosts section of the framework but it looks like the client is somehow not able to establish connection. Tried a lot of things like -
Disabling NLA in client system
RDP security set as negotiate
(Note: Secure boot is enabled ).
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Getting the following errors
On (framework - linux) -
Info, cmdctrl request accepted for '<rdp> RDP-RELAY_DEMONAME' from test012@ as Edir\admin@
Info, cmdctrl checkAuth client:localhost rc:0 status:0 (57ms)
Error, Service lookup failed: 500 no peer
Info, rdprelay authSession client:localhost rc:0 status:0 (89ms)
Info, regclnt getSessionCache client:idam-nfm1 rc:0 status:0 (0ms)
On (Agent - Windows)
Info, rexec logMsg client:idam-nfm1 rc:0 status:0 (0ms)
Error, Failed to connect to idam-nfm1:29120
Info, regclnt getSessionCache client:idam-windows rc:0 status:0 (0ms)
Info, rexec logMsg client:idam-nfm1 rc:0 status:0 (2481ms)
Error, Failed to connect to idam-nfm1:29120