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How to Use Offline Patch media

Hi All

     I download PatchCD from Sentinel 8.5 list on SLD website.

But I do no now know how to use it.

Is the Procedure correcdt ?

1. Add dvd to repository

2. run zypper -v patch ?

If this 2 steps are incorrect? 

Who could kindly provide procedure to me ?



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    Hi All

        Henk Has provide a document link about How to use PatchCD

    Upgrading the Appliance - Sentinel Installation and Configuration Guide (

    But I have another question...About this PatchCD seem not release on each sentinel product or other Microfocus product.

    Because some customer's server is localLAN  network which deny access internet or customer has not SuSE Manager as proxy content server. 

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    Hi Wencheng,

    Not sure what you mean with this:
    "But I have another question...about this PatchCD we seem not to release for each sentinel product or other Micro Focus products"

    ...I cannot talk for other MF products, just sentinel & change guardian, and for these products, for every release, we provide offline patch iso's as well. This has been the case for years, and years, so I'm surprised you don't know this, while you work for an official MF partner.

    We provide them, as the reference already explains for environments:
    - Where there is no direct internet access so you cannot register the appliance;
    - Where customers prefer not to go to the latest release available on the appliance download repositories, but an earlier release instead;
    - Where customers want to go to the latest release, but the version they are running currently is not compatible with the latest release, hence they have to go to a version first that is compatible, prior to the upgrade to the latest release.

    I hope this is clear.



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    Hi All

         Henk had provide the official document provide information , and PatchCD is use add "local repository" for zypper patch/upgrade.

         I have tested it and work fine.

    Thanks Henk