I upgrade old sentinel to and see index service not start.
in previous discuss , Henk provide sentinel document let me reference.
My sentinel server is single server appliance and no more server (so I have no external ElasticSearch.)
I saw the topic in document.
Enabling Secure Communication between Sentinel Server and Pre-bundled Elasticsearch when there is no External Elasticsearch Cluster Setup
I create a ca file which use default name ==>elastic-stack-ca.p12
and use the ca file to generate certificate for pre-bundle ElasticSearch ==>node-1.p12
then copy setting to elasticsearch.yml
but then I start sentinel (use rcsentinel start or sentinel startES) , the service start fail.
and I check elasticsearch.log...it show fail to load SSL Configuration.
In additional, I saw the java -version of sentinel use , when I run command it show the java not meet requirement.
even I use step 3/4 to change use sentinel JDK , the version change to 1.8.0_302, then do procedure again. I got the same result.
which step I did mistake ?? could provide me some suggestion ??