Hi Community,
since update (from to (on 2d of January), we are encountering huge growth of CPU usage.
Adding memory (advised by support) didn't solve anything.
I notice a new collector appears "Imperva Secure Sphere",
- when stopping the collector the CPU directly drop from above 300% to +/-120%.
- I am unable to delete that collector, if I tried it is starting up.
Due to CPU constantly flying above 120%, we are encountering delays for some kind of events.
E.g. "sev:[0 TO 5]" are close to real time, where "((evt:"NSS\: *") or (evt:"NCP\: *"))" as more than 2 hours delayed (and sometime 7 hours).
Any help or advice would be much appreciated.
A case has been open about 2 weeks ago...
Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. [A. Einstein]