Idea ID: 2875554

MF Connect - "Suspended due to error" should never occur / the application should always retry or provide the Administrator options for how to handle

Status: New Idea

MF Connect's CONNECTIONS should:

  • Never fail, always retry, when an end-point, in this case Jira, is down for maintenance. Once the end-point is back online the CONNECTION should pickup where it left off
  • Provide a way for the Administrator to state, maybe in the DATA SOURCES, that the end-point (Jira) will be out-of-service from _StartDate_Time_ until _EndDate_Time_ and any CONNECTIONS using that end-point will be skipped/ignored until the _EndDate_Time_ has past.
  • Provide in the DATA SOURCE setup an choice of actions when the end-point (Jira in my case) is down. They could be for example:
    • Always Retry
    • Fail after 1 hour
    • Fail after 2 hours
    • Fail after 5 hours
    • Fail after 24 hours