DevOps Cloud (ADM)
IT Operations Cloud
How can I create release notes (or get information from the cli about what change packages are active in a stream)?
In order to see change packages that are part of a stream or snapshot, you can use the command
accurev issuelist -fx -s <stream>
The -fx option will give you verbose output in xml format. With this option, you will see the file versions that are part of the change package in addition to the issue number. You will also see all of the field values for the issue.
To see the list of issues that are part of a release in order to create release notes, you will want to diff the current release against the previous one by using the command:
accurev issuediff -s <current release> -S <previous release>
Just like with the issuelist command, if you use the -fx option you will see the field values for each issue.
You will then have all of the information you need in xml format and you can parse the xml to create reports.
For more information contact AccuRev Support.