DevOps Cloud (ADM)
IT Operations Cloud
How do I change the User-Authentication schema from the TRADITIONAL method to the ACCUREV LOGIN method?
When you install AccuRev on the machine where the AccuRev Server process will run, the installation wizard prompts you to choose the authentication scheme: Traditional or AccuRev login.
If after installation you desire to change the security method you can switch schemes with the following command:
To change to the new AccuRev login method:
accurev authmethod accurev_login
To change to the traditional method (pre 4.5):
accurev authmethod traditional
Each one of these changes will set the preferences.xml file found in your site_slice directory with one of the following variables:
For the new AccuRev login method:
For the traditional method:
This change takes affect immediately, so insure you environment is prepared for the new method.
For more information contact AccuRev Support."