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Overlap elements not showing as such in the Change Palette.


Overlap elements not showing as such in the Change Palette.
Elements that have an overlap status in the stream browser are showing up with no status in the Change Palette GUI.

When attempting to resolve an overlap from the stream brownser, when you execute a "Change Palette", select the parent stream, select the child stream, the element has no status in the Change Palette GUI.

Is there or is there not an overlap?

By definition there appears to be an overlap.

"Version X, in a workspace or stream, has "overlap" status if the parent stream's current version of the element contains changes that are not reflected in version X. Such a version cannot be promoted to the parent stream; the user must create a new version with a merge operation, combining version X with the parent stream's version. The new, merged version can then be promoted."

When you try to resolve this overlap by running a change palette, AccuRev uses the 'mergelist' algorithm to determine what files need to be promoted/merged.

The mergelist algorithm works on an element-by-element basis. For each element in the source stream, it considers the relationship between:

. the real version associated with the version in the source stream

. the real version associated with the version in the destination stream

This relationship determines whether the source-stream version will be added to the list of versions to be promoted to the destination stream.

In your case:
The source-stream version was derived from the destination-stream version.
The source stream's version is placed on the to-be-promoted list. No merge will be required. The derivation can be either direct (a series of keep commands) or indirect (one or more merge commands, along with keep commands). Note that patch commands don't count in this analysis of a version's derivation.

Here are the steps to reproduce the state you are in based in the following stream hierarchy.

|_ Workspace_2

1. In workspace 1, add a file and promote into base stream.
2. Update Workspace_2
3. Reparent Workspace_2

New Stream configuration:
|_ Workspace_2

4. Update both workspaces.
5. In Workspace_1, Modify and keep the file you added in step 1.
6. In Workspace_2, select the element and click on browse versions.
7. From browse version window, select the newest version from Workspace_1,
right click -> Send to -> Workspace.
8. Perform a keep operation on this new version in Workspace_2.
9. Promote Workspace_1
10. Promote Workspace_2

You are now in the state where you will have an "overlap status" when you click on the child stream. But when you try to resolve via a change palette, the status will be blank.

For more information contact AccuRev Support"

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