DevOps Cloud (ADM)
IT Operations Cloud
Performing a dbcheck on a replica server produces the following error:
AccuRev 4.7.2a (05/08/2009) Enterprise Edition
Copyright (c) 1995-2009 AccuRev Inc. All rights reserved
Checking site integrity.
Location: E:/storage/site_slice
Basic stream db init check: pass
Checking db: streams
Checking db: acl
Invalid pool entry.
Expected pool_num: 1
Existing values pool_num: 12 hidden: 0 storage: E:/Storage/Depots/testdepot
Impacted projects
project_id: 12 project_name: testdepot
Pool table check: fail
This error can be expected if you run a dbcheck on a replica server.
In this case, the replicated depot was the 12th depot created on the master server and the first one created on the replica server. Thus the depot was assigned to pool_num 1 even though the master server pool_num is in this case 12.
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