DevOps Cloud (ADM)
IT Operations Cloud
Trying to add an element to AccuRev fails with the following message.
Principal not authenticated: <user_name>
You are either running as the wrong user, have not yet created your
password file, or have the wrong password in your password file.
Password file location: HOMEDRIVE/HOMEPATH/.accurev/authn
1. Ensure the user who is performing the add command is a registered AccuRev user. This can be determined by running the commands:
# accurev show users
# accurev info
If the output from the ‘accurev info’ command reports the correct principal name and matches the output from the ‘accurev show users command’.
2. Set the AccuRev password by running the following command:
accurev chpasswd <principal name> <passwd>
Once this is complete, retry the initial command that failed with the error above.
For more information contact AccuRev Support