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FAQ #361: Hardcoding the RLM accurev ISV port so it can be opened on a firewall

You want to set up a local AccuRev server to get its RLM licenses from a different server. That other server has a firewall that you've opened RLM port 2375 on. But when you try to get a license from that server, you get the following error in the local AccuRev acserver log:
2013/05/21 09:36:08.706-05:00 No Active Licenses Found!
2013/05/21 09:36:18.784-05:00 Error checking out RLM license: Communications error with license server (-17)
Connection refused at server (-111)

Besides the AccuRev RLM (ARLM) listening on the license server port (typically 2375 in the accurev.lic), the ARLM also listens on a randomly assigned ISV (Independent Software Vendor) port - in this case, the "accurev" ISV. With each restart of the ARLM, a different ISV port will be assigned which makes firewall management problematic because this ISV port also needs to be opened on the firewall.
You can specify an ISV port in the accurev.lic file so the same port will always be used instead of a random port. Then you can open this port on the firewall. Follow the instructions below to do that on the server running the ARLM.
1) Open up services.msc, right-click on the "AccuRev RLM" service and select "Properties".
2) Make a note of the directory that the rlm executable is running in.
3) Select a port number to use that you can open up on the firewall. If you wanted, you could simply use the last port used when the ARLM was started. You can find this by searching the <accurev_installdir>\storage\site_slice\logs\rlm.log file for the last instance of "accurev on port" line which will have the last port number used for the ISV.
4) Go into your <accurev_installdir>\storage\site_slice directory and open the accurev.lic file in an editor.
5) Change the second line that has "ISV accurev" to have the format in 5a or 5b below:
5a) If running AccuRev pre-6.1:

ISV accurev <rlm_installdir> <rlm_installdir\options_file> <isv-port#>

The line will look something like this:

ISV accurev "C:\Program Files\accurev\bin" "C:\Program Files\accurev\bin\accurev.opt" 49156

NOTE: If there are any spaces in the directory path, be sure to use double-quotes.
NOTE: The accurev.opt file would have been created at install time. Technically, it does not need to exist. It simply needs to be specified.
5b) If running AccuRev 6.1 or later: ISV accurev port=isv-port#
The line will look something like this: ISV accurev port=49156
6) Stop and start the "AccuRev RLM" service, then verify that the specified ISV port is used by looking for it on the last instance of the "accurev on port" line in the storage\site_slice\logs\rlm.log file on the RLM host machine.
1) Do a 'ps -ef | grep rlm'.
2) Make a note of the directory that the rlm executable is running in.

3) Select a port number to use that you can open up on the firewall. If you wanted, you could simply use the last port used when the ARLM was started. You can find this by searching the <accurev_installdir>/storage/site_slice/logs/rlm.log file for the last instance of "accurev on port" line which will have the last port number used for the ISV.

4) Go into your <accurev_installdir>/storage/site_slice directory and open the accurev.lic file in an editor.
5) Change the second line that has "ISV accurev" to have the format in 5a or 5b below:

5a) If running AccuRev pre-6.1:
ISV accurev <rlm_installdir> <rlm_installdir/options_file> <port>
The line will look something like this:
ISV accurev /opt/accurev/bin /opt/accurev/bin/accurev.opt 49156
NOTE: If there are any spaces in the directory path, be sure to use double-quotes.
NOTE: The accurev.opt file would have been created at install time. Technically, it does not need to exist. It simply needs to be specified.

5b) If running AccuRev 6.1 or later: ISV accurev port=isv-port#

The line will look something like this: ISV accurev port=49156

6) In the <accurev_installdir>/extras/unix directory is a script called "accurev_rlm". Edit this script, changing "/sbin/sh" to "/bin/sh" and adjusting the variables to match your installation paths.

7) Stop/start the rlm server process by running "./accurev_rlm stop" and "./accurev_rlm start". Then verify that the specified ISV port is used by looking for it on the last instance of the "accurev on port" line in the <accurev_installdir>/storage/site_slice/logs/rlm.log file on the RLM host machine.
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