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Invalid parameter binding(s) error wiith SQL request


I'm trying to change email subject sent for one project and I don't know where is the error.

The command is :

insert into dataconst values ('AUTO_MAIL_SUBJECT_FORMAT',‘?PROJECT - Issue # ?BG_BUG_ID’)


but it's failed with error :


Failed to Run Query;

Failed to execute the query;

Failed SQL: /* ~~QC */ insert into dataconst values ('AUTO_MAIL_SUBJECT_FORMAT',

‘PROJECT - Issue # BG_BUG_ID’)

[Mercury][Oracle JDBC Driver]Invalid parameter binding(s).;

Stack Trace:

java.sql.SQLException: Failed SQL: /* ~~QC */ insert into dataconst values ('AUTO_MAIL_SUBJECT_FORMAT',

‘PROJECT - Issue # BG_BUG_ID’)



Thanks for your help
