DevOps Cloud (ADM)
IT Operations Cloud
In some cases the file repository for an ALM project does not reduce in size as users delete entities in the GUI.
This might be due to a failure in the Smart Repository GC (Garbage Collection) job performed by the server.
To diagnose:
Issue the followin query to the ALM site administation db/schema...
select * from projects;
Identify the record in the results which aligns with the project in question
Examine the value of the field PR_SR_GC_LAST_RUN_TIME
To correct:
If the value in the field PR_SR_GC_LAST_RUN_TIME the table PROJECTS is 0, is it OK to update this value to the current epoch time at the site admin database...
select * from projects where PR_SR_GC_LAST_RUN_TIME = 0
update projects set PR_SR_GC_LAST_RUN_TIME = (select cast(datediff(ss,'1970-1-1 08:00:00',getdate()) as varchar) + '000') where project_id=178;
The Smart Repository GC job should now reduce the size of the file repository