4 min read time

How to Run UFT One Tests using GitHub Actions

by   in DevOps Cloud (ADM)

This article provides an example with basic steps and screenshots showing how to create a GitHub Action that can manually trigger UFT One tests on a remote Windows machine.


  • A GitHub account with permission to create Actions on a target repository.

Create an action

Perform the following steps to create an action you can use to run UFT One tests.

Set up a self-hosted runner

Follow the GitHub documentation to create a runner hosted on the UFT One machine. The runner handles GitHub requests and directs them to UFT One when necessary.



You can see the runners you create in the Settings -> Actions/Runner page of your repository.

Create an action

Follow the GitHub documentation to create an action.


Design your action to run UFT One tests

The remainder of this document describes a sample action, designed to run a set of simple tests.

Follow this example action and design your own.

  • The repository containing the tests run by the sample is located here: https://github.com/MicroFocus/uft-one-tests
  • The following image shows the runner created for this sample, as displayed on the Settings -> Actions/Runner page:

Sample YAML action script

This is the YAML script used in the sample. It includes jobs that retrieve the UFT One tests, create a property file that controls the test run, get the UFT Tools Launcher, and then run the tests.


You can create a similar script, updating the values of the variables PROPS_TXT and RES_XML from the env section as required.

name: Run UFT One Tests Action
# Controls when the action will run. Workflow runs when manually triggered using the UI or API.


  PROPS_TXT: PropsMultiTests.txt
  RES_XML: ResultsMultiTests.xml
  LAUNCHER_EXE: FTToolsLauncher.exe
  LAUNCHER_URL: https://github.com/MicroFocus/ADM-FT-ToolsLauncher/releases/download/v1.0-beta-rev12/FTToolsLauncher_net48.exe

    shell: pwsh
    working-directory: ..\

    runs-on: self-hosted
    - name: Display the working directory
      run: echo "$pwd"
    - name: Checkout current repo
      uses: actions/checkout@v3
        ref: ${{github.ref_name}}
        clean: false

    runs-on: self-hosted
    needs: getUftTests
    - name: Create properties file
      run: |
        Test1=$($pwd.Path.Replace('\', '\\'))
        "@ > $env:PROPS_TXT
    - name: Check properies file
      run: TEST-PATH $env:PROPS_TXT

    runs-on: self-hosted
    needs: getUftTests
    - name: GET FTToolsLauncher.exe
      run:  if (TEST-PATH $env:LAUNCHER_EXE) {
              echo "FTToolsLauncher.exe already exists"
            } else {
              curl -L -o $env:LAUNCHER_EXE $env:LAUNCHER_URL

    runs-on: self-hosted
    needs: [getUftTests, createPropsFile, getFTToolsLauncher]
    - name: Run FT tool
      id: run-tests
      run: |
        $p = Start-Process -FilePath "$env:LAUNCHER_EXE" -ArgumentList "-paramfile $env:PROPS_TXT" -Wait -PassThru -NoNewWindow
        "X=$($p.ExitCode)" >> $env:GITHUB_OUTPUT
    - if: ${{steps.run-tests.outputs.X != 0}}
      uses: actions/github-script@v6
        script: |
          core.setFailed('The job runUftTestsFromFileSystem failed with status ${{steps.run-tests.outputs.X}} !')       

The local working folder for this sample is D:\Work\GitHub\Runner2\_work\uft-one-tests\ and after running the job you can see:

The repository content is downloaded here, and the script is instructed to run all tests from this folder:

The PropsMultiTests.txt content is defined by createPropsFile job and will be saved like this:


Run your action to run UFT One tests

Run the workflow manually from the Actions page. Select the action and click Run workflow.

The screen captures below represent a sample run of the Run UFT One Tests Action action. You can see similar results in your own repository.

Summary diagram:

The getUftTests job output:


 The createPropsFile job output:

The getFTToolsLauncher job output: 

The runUftTestsFromFileSystem job output:

To learn more about UFT One, visit the UFT One product page, or browse the UFT One Online Help. Click here for a free 30-day trial of UFT One.


Functional Testing