3 min read time

Performance Center and Continuous integration using Atlassian's Bamboo

by in DevOps Cloud (ADM)

Continuous integration is becoming a best practice for software deployment today.  To achieve faster and better performance feedback as well as quality, you should be running performance tests as part of your build cycle.

Micro Focus Performance Center 12.56 has introduced a new plug-in for Atlassian’s Bamboo.

This post explains how you can configure a Bamboo job to run Micro Focus Performance Center tests as a build step.


Atlassian’s Bamboo is a commercial, on-premises continuous integration tool with powerful features, and a clean user interface which is available out-of-the-box.

Bamboo uses the concept of a 'plan' with 'jobs' and 'tasks' to configure and order the actions in the workflow.




There are several types of tasks, and in order to support performance testing, we need to create a ‘Performance Center’ task.

Let’s see how we configure and run a Performance Center task in Bamboo…


How to install Bamboo Plugin:

  1. Log-in to your Bamboo instance as an administrator.
  2. Click the admin dropdown and chooseAdd-ons. The Manage add-ons screen loads.
  3. ClickFind new add-ons from the left-hand side of the page.
  4. LocateApp Delivery Management Bamboo CI Plugin via search. Results include app versions which are compatible with your Bamboo instance.
  5. ClickInstall to download and install your app.
  6. You're all set! ClickClose in the Installed and ready to go 


Alternatively, download the plugin from Atlassian Marketplace and upload to your Bamboo server.



How to setup a Bamboo task:

  1. Create a new job or select an existing one.
  2. Add a new task as follows:
    • Click Add Task.
    • In the Task types box, search for ‘Performance Center’.
    • Click the Performance Center Task. A new task is created.AddPerfTask.png


  3. Enter the task’s details: 
    • Enter the PC Project details: server URL, user name, password, domain, and project name.
    • Enter the Test ID of the test you want this task to run.
    • For Test Instance ID, select one of the following options:


      1. Automatic selection – The last instance ID will be selected automatically, or if none exist, a new one will be     created.

Note: This option is only available if working with Performance Center 12.55 or later.

2. Manual selection – Enter the Test Instance ID you want to run.

To find the Test Instance ID in your Performance Center project, navigate to Test Management > Test Lab, and filter by the test set that contains the test. The ID is found in the list along with its Test Instance ID.




    • Choose the Post Run action:PostRun.png


    • If you select Collate and analyse, the Trending report options are displayed.  Select a trend report option:
      1. Use trend report associated with the test (Performance Center 12.55 or later).If Auto Trending is selected        in the test (a new feature added in PC 12.55), select this option to automatically publish trend results.
      2. Add run to trend report with ID. If you select this option, you need to enter the trend report ID.                                   Trending.png



  • Additional options for configuration: 
  • Adjust the timeslot duration according to your needs.
  • Choose whether to use VUDs licenses.
  • Choose whether to consider the SLA status for determining the build-step status.


Additional Options.png



 4. Click Save and your task is ready!TaskSaved.png



 Run the Plan:

To execute tasks, you need to run the plan containing these tasks: 

  • Open the Run menu, and select Run plan.



  • During execution, you can view the progress using the Bamboo live activity logLog.png



Review Results:

After the tasks in the plan have finished running, check the results in the Job Artifacts tab.

  • Choose the build number.
  • You can download the available HTML reports and trending report.




To learn more about the Performance Center - Bamboo Integration, see Performance Center Bamboo Plugin in the Performance Center Help.


  • Hey, thanks for dropping this gem of an article on Performance Center and Continuous Integration with Atlassian's Bamboo. I've dabbled in this stuff a bit, and it's crystal clear how crucial it is to weave performance testing into the build cycle. It's like the secret sauce for nailing software quality and rock-solid performance...

    Micro Focus Performance Center's new plugin for Bamboo seems like a valuable addition. It can streamline the process of running performance tests as part of the CI/CD pipeline. Your instructions on how to set up the Bamboo task and run the plan are clear and helpful.

    One suggestion I'd like to add is to consider creating a dedicated "Performance Test Environment" for more accurate and repeatable results. This environment should mirror the production environment as closely as possible to ensure that the tests reflect real-world scenarios accurately.

    In my experience, investing in performance testing early in the development cycle can save a lot of headaches down the road. It helps in identifying and addressing performance issues before they reach production.

  • Did you find out the solution for this error? : com.microfocus.adm.performancecenter.plugin.common.pcEntities.pcException: executeRequest exception: HTTP/1.1 302 found.

  • When i try to RUN getting an error

    Error while executing load test: com.microfocus.adm.performancecenter.plugin.common.pcEntities.pcException: executeRequest exception: HTTP/1.1 302 found.

    Need your support.

  • Hi,

    Is this plugin "App Delivery Management Bamboo CI Plugin" officailly supported by Atlassian's Bamboo ?

    I have asked my Bamboo admin team to install this plugin and they are saying that this plugin is not officailly supported by Atlassian so they cannot install it.

  • Thanks for sharing such a informative post, this was long awaited.

    I have tried and configured Bamboo with all the steps suggested in this blog but getting this error :

    After running the plan, the plan runs successfully in Bamboo but the test in performance center fails to run with below error as recoreded in performance center events log:

    Changed state from Initializing to Run Failure.
    Invalid Reservation. Reason: No Controllers 

    But when I try to run same test directly from performance  center, it runs fine without any issue. I get above error only when I try to trigger the test from Bamboo.

    Below are the detailed logs from Bamboo:

    Build Bamboo_LR_Integration - Bamboo_LR_Integration_Plan - Default Job #11 (BAML-BAMP-JOB1-11) started building on agent Default Agent

    Build working directory is C:\Users\admin.jaina\bamboo-home\xml-data\build-dir\BAML-BAMP-JOB1
    Executing build Bamboo_LR_Integration - Bamboo_LR_Integration_Plan - Default Job #11 (BAML-BAMP-JOB1-11)
    Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector
    Starting task 'PerformanceCentre_Task' of type 'com.adm.app-delivery-management-bamboo:TaskExecution'
    Trying to login[PCServer='http://pcserver.testserver.com', User='Ankit']
    Login succeeded
    Executing Load Test:
    Test ID:191
    Test Instance ID:56
    Timeslot Duration::2:30 (h:mm)
    Post Run Action:Collate_and_Analyze
    Use VUDS:false
    Run started (TestID: 191, RunID: 286, TimeslotID: 18596)
    RunID: 286 - State = Initializing
    RunID: 286 - State = Run Failure
    Finished task 'PerformanceCentre_Task' with result: Success
    Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
    Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
    Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
    Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
    Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
    Finalising the build...
    Stopping timer.

    When I try to start & run same test directly from performance  center, it runs fine without any issue. I get above error/failue with error as "PC_runLTFailed_InvalidReservation. Invalid Reservation. Reason: No Controllers " only when I try to trigger the test from Bamboo.

    Please help me to resolve same.