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TruClient 2.0 (technical preview) is now available!

by   in DevOps Cloud (ADM)

We are very excited to introduce TruClient 2.0, our largest advancement ever to our market leading browser-based testing solution, TruClient! With TruClient 2.0 we didn’t simply update our existing TruClient solution, but rather we rebuilt TruClient from the ground up as a brand new protocol. Our goal is to take TruClient to the next level for ease of use, functionality and security.

This new TruClient 2.0 protocol maintains the ease of use and functionality you have come to expect from TruClient (such as client-side metrics) while introducing new capabilities that not only enhance usability but also resolve certain pain points. So, what is new? Let’s dive into it.

  • Browser decoupling: When creating TruClient 2.0 we wanted to make the TruClient experience even easier to use and robust than it already was. So, one of our highest priorities was to decouple the browsers from the TruClient protocol. Now, with TruClient 2.0, you are no longer locked to a specific version of a browser (or LoadRunnerTm version). Instead, TruClient 2.0 utilizes the browser you have installed on your desktop or load generator (LG) when creating or replaying a script. This puts users in control of which browser version is utilized during a TruClient scripting and replay session.
  • Security: By decoupling the browsers from TruClient, TruClient 2.0 puts the power of managing security back into the hands of users. Now, for the first time, a higher version level of a browser can be deployed and utilized without a required LoadRunnerTm upgrade or patch that updates built in browser versions. This is critical when addressing browser security concerns, such as CVEs. TruClient 2.0 will automatically utilize any updated browser without any required LoadRunnerTm or TruClient 2.0 script updates.
  • Linux® Support: TruClient 2.0 also delivers another first, Linux® OS Support. For the first time Linux® based load generators (LGs) can be used when using TruClient 2.0 scripts in a load test. This new functionality will yield a total cost of ownership reduction due to lower resource costs along with other TruClient 2.0 optimizations.
  • Reduced resource requirements (footprint): With the decoupling of the browsers, Linux® load generator support, along with other optimizations, it is expected that TruClient 2.0 will require fewer resources in some configurations. This will allow for fewer needed resources when executing a load test with TruClient 2.0 scripts.
  • Migrating existing TruClient assets: With the release of TruClient 2.0, we are also releasing a brand-new migration utility. This utility will assist when doing a one-time migration of existing TruClient scripts to the new TruClient 2.0.

As you can see, TruClient 2.0 really delivers! Along with the enhancements mentioned above, TruClient 2.0 delivers many others as well such as full iFrame support and the ability to execute TruClient 2.0 scripts in headless mode.

Try it out today! TruClient 2.0 is available as a technical preview in LoadRunnerTm Professional 24.3, LoadRunnerTm Enterprise 24.3, and LoadRunnerTm Cloud 24.3.

Explore and read more about TruClient 2.0 using the following link: TruClient 2.0


Performance Engineering