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How to Configure a Website with IIS 7


This post will cover how to automate the configuration of a website running with IIS 7 using Serena Deployment Automation (SDA).

Although the (manual) steps are quite easy, it can be tedious. And tedious steps become error prone; so just automate it.

The minimum requirements for a website are:

  • an application pool
  • a site
  • an application with a virtual directory

Together these provide the basic configuration necessary before your IIS 7 server can serve a single request.

Before creating any of the objects, we will first check for the existence of the object. This will allow the same process to be utilized for subsequent deployments of the web application (i.e. upgrades).

Download the how to guide below and automate the creation your new websites in 45 seconds or less!

As a bonus, you can also download the JSON file then import into your SDA.


Check back later and we will configure a process to actually deploy an ASP.NET application into our new website.



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