Hi all,
I want to know if there is a command that i can get the last created release by PCMS api ?
i try this code as below but i don't know how to continue to get result faster:
PcmsObjStruct obj = { 0 };
obj.objType = PCMS_BASELINE;
int noUids = 0;
int *uids = NULL;
string product = "COH12";
if (PcmsQuery(conId, &obj, 0, &noUids, &uids) == PCMS_OK && noUids)
for (int i = 0; i < noUids; i )
if (PcmsInitUid(conId, uids[i], PCMS_BASELINE, &obj) != PCMS_OK)
if (product.compare((_TCHAR*)obj.productId) == 0)
printf( "%s:%s\n", (_TCHAR*)obj.objId, (_TCHAR*)obj.dateTime);
Please help.