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DDeployServiceLockImpl::acquire: Failed to lock database


We have Dimensions CM 12.2 and SqlServer2008R2 installation in separate servers.

Some month ago the deploy action don´t work and in the deploy server logs show its errors.


2020/06/23 19:48:00 UTC 130.228 T T48120 DDeployServiceLockImpl::dbTryLock: Error: Failed to lock database. (MDHDQS4502541E Error: Unable to insert deployment lock for database XXX@DIM10 on host XXXXyyyy.)
2020/06/23 19:48:00 UTC 130.244 T T48120 DDeployServiceLockImpl::dbInsertDeploymentLock: Caught a DbException: MDHNET4502287E Error: Failed to execute a statement.
2020/06/23 19:48:00 UTC 130.244 T T48120 DDeployServiceLockImpl::dbTryLock: Error: Failed to lock database. (MDHDQS4502541E Error: Unable to insert deployment lock for database XXX@DIM10 on host XXXXyyyy.)
2020/06/23 19:48:00 UTC 130.244 T T48120 DDeployServiceLockImpl::acquire: Failed to lock database XXX@DIM10 on host XXXXyyyy.
2020/06/23 19:48:00 UTC 130.244 T T48120 DDeployService::connectToDb: Failed to connect to database XXX@DIM10 on host BBVA as user vc12236.
2020/06/23 19:48:00 UTC 130.244 T T48120 DDeployService::connectToDb: Database XXX@DIM10 will not be monitored.
2020/06/23 19:48:00 UTC 130.244 T T48120 DDeployServiceManager::startDeploymentServices: Failed to connect to any databases configured in DM_ROOT/dfs/deploy_config.dat.


We stop serena listener services  and wait for all dm process down, then  start the service again, but the proble continue.

We restart the machine and the problem continue.

We down and up the database and the problem  continue.

All Dimensions process work fine ( CR, items, Checkout, CheckIN), but the deploy dont work.

We will to try create a new base database based on the original base database.

Exists others ideas?







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    Hello Cesar,

    Ideally we would like to see the full deploy log to see what happened before this error. Have you raised a case with Micro Focus support? If you can attach the full log there along with the dfs\listener.dat and dfs\deploy_config.dat we can take a look.

    As a basic check are you able to connect to the database in the error message? Are the details correct? If you can connect then I would suggest checking if there are any existing rows:

    dmdba XXX@DIM10
    select * from xxx.djq_servicelock;

    Replacing xxx with your database name.

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    Hi Richard.

    I attached some logf form diferents times, all show the same error in all base database that we have configure.

    I attach dm.cfg, listener.dat and deploy_config.dat

    We can connect to database using SqlServer Management Studio without problem.

    We will go to run the select to djq_servicelock table and will send to you the rows.




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    Hi Cesar,

    Please be sure to run the select from the dmdba tool as checking it connects is an important test itself. Please do that for both of the database connections listed in deploy_config.dat


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    Hi Richards,

    We are wating for dba run the test conection.

    When we have the result I send to you.



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    Hi Richards,

    We have the result to sql queries.

    In the base database BBVA we have 2 rows



    in the BBVA2 we have 2 rows too



    Its not normal, because we have a test environment and its table is empty.

    What do you recomend?

    delete its rows? or update?





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    Hi Cesar,

    Yes this is most likely causing the issue and these rows should be deleted and the Dimensions CM listener restarted. As with any direct database manipulation you should make sure you first have a full backup of the database.

    The knowledgebase article below has full details of this issue and how to resolve it:
