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Does Dimension support Python API?

Does Dimension support Python API? Currently I can only use REST service to fetch contents, any API I could use to creat request using Python?

  • 0


    There is no Python API for Dimensions.
    You can create a request using Java API, there is an example available in "[serverInstallationPath]\java_api\examples\".
    Though for using from your Python app it could be easier to create a request via command line (DMLCI application), say this way:

    dmcli.exe -param dmcli.param -file dmcli.cmds

    where dmcli.param file contains connection parameters, say:

    -user myUserID
    -pass myUserPassword
    -host myCMserverHost
    -dbname cm_typical
    -dsn dim15

    and dmcli.cmds file contains the list of commands necessary for execution, say for BR type request creation:

    CC "QLARIUS" "BR" /ATTRIBUTES=(Title="MyRequest")


    Alex Shevchenko
    Sr Development Manager
    Although I work for OpenText, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
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