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Serena Dimension CM 12.2.1 & Jenkins

Hi All,

We're working in a migration of our SCM to Serena Dimension CM 12.2.1

After install Serena Dimension CM, we're defining our process to continuous integration, continuous delivery and continuous deployment. In this moment the company can ́t to buy Serena Release Management (the tools to delivery and deployment process).

We saw a Dimension plugin to Jenkins ( This plugin work fine? Could you give a feedback about this integration? is Serena Dimensions 12.2.1 supported?




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    Hi Alcides,

    12.2.1 is supported. We use it to monitor Dimensions CM repository (containing sources of Serena products :) ) and if there are any changes - start a continuous build, fetching sources from repository. So, yes, it works fine for us.

    We also monitor Unit Test results, those are running during the build.

    If I remember correctly there is a possibility to upload build artifacts back to repository once built with Jenkins, but I did not use this part of plugin myself.



    Alex Shevchenko
    Sr Development Manager
    Although I work for OpenText, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
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    Thanks Alex,

    Could you give me a recomendation about, how manage the continuons integration, deliver and deployment in the practice?. Our thought is implement automatic process to manage software versioning and delivery of our web applications from Serena Dimension CM to application server environments (desa, QA
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    The part I was using is really automated build, but it looks like you have implemented it already without Jenkins. I did not use its deployment to Production facilities/plug-ins (continuous delivery

    Alex Shevchenko
    Sr Development Manager
    Although I work for OpenText, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
    If you found this post useful, give it a “Like” or click on "Verify Answer" under the "More" button.

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    Thanks Alex,

    Ok, perhaps the best way is automate the build process with jenkins and deploy over development and QA environment, and doesn't use in production environment. Only generate the ear or war file and finally delivery to webmaster group to deploy in production environment.
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    Hi Alex,

    I have installed Jenkins on cloud machine and installed Dimension plugin. Tested for connection and it prompts SUCCEED. However I am facing below error message while kick start with Jenkins job. Can you input and guide for initial step by step configuration.

    FYI : Using ANT for build, same set up is working fine with SVN. i.e. Successful build. Please note this is first time set up. Thx in advance.

    Building in workspace C:\Program Files\jenkins\jobs\Dim-Jenkins\workspace
    [DIMENSIONS] Calculating change set for directory 'CS'...
    [DIMENSIONS] Calculating change set for directory 'src'...
    [DIMENSIONS] Calculating change set for directory 'web'...
    [DIMENSIONS] Calculating change set for directory 'websphere-lib'...
    FATAL: Unable to find build script at C:\Program Files\jenkins\jobs\Dim-Jenkins\workspace\build.xml
    Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
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    Hi Sandeep,
    Perhaps a permission issue (not write access to "C:\Program Files\jenkins\jobs\Dim-Jenkins\workspace\")? Just a guess, as I did not face such problem before.
    It may be something not really Dimensions plug-in related, as there are many similar questions may be googled (say,

    Alex Shevchenko
    Sr Development Manager
    Although I work for OpenText, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
    If you found this post useful, give it a “Like” or click on "Verify Answer" under the "More" button.

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    Hi Alex \ Alcides,

    1. Installed Jenkins 1.554.3 on Windows Server 2008R2 and installed Dimensions Plugin 0.8.11, connection is working fine.
    2. Set up slave node on AIX machine and installed Dimension agent with necessary permission.
    3. while polling SCM change it prompts below error
    Started by an SCM change
    Building remotely on (CS-SIT-APP-HOST) in workspace /rcssreg1/promotion/udeploy/workspace/CS-CI-SIT-DB
    [DIMENSIONS] Running checkout on slave...
    FATAL: Unable to run checkout callout (IOException: remote file operation failed: /rcssreg1/promotion/udeploy/workspace/CS-CI-SIT-DB at
    [ANALYSIS-COLLECTOR] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
    Finished: FAILURE
    4. I am trying to poll from Dimension CM 12.2.2 and then push files to AIX server for the build.

    NOTE : Polling is working fine and then building artifacts on Windows (Master) machine is working fine.

    Would be greatful for any pointers for this issue, really stucked here.

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    1. Edited the user profile on AIX box and added Dimension Library path to it (AIX Dimension installation directory). This helped to load dmprofile for the user to pick up dmcli command and perform check out operation.

    2. Started the Slave agent manually with the command (which we get on the Windows master while starting agent) on AIX box to run it as background command (nohup "java -jar slave.jar -jnlpUrl http://Jenkins installation machine name:9090/computer/slave machine name/slave-agent.jnlp -secret 6c5c4ce0122342adb1948b44596f82e94c95ec54bf7c3a430c65b3bba2e1ae6b"
  • 0 in reply to 
    Hi Alcides,

    We have integrated Dimension with Jenkins and able to take the latest code. But our requirement is to take the code from Dimension based on Baseline. Can you please guide me in doing the same? I want to check-out the code Baseline code from Dimension into local folder.

    Thanks in Advance!
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     hi Raji3,


    i am also trying to integrate Jenkins with Serena  Dimension for Automatic build file present in Dimesion project pointing to a workspace. 

    it would be really helpful if you share the steps and any documents on how to Integrate Jenkins with Serena Dimension. 

    please reply. 


