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CM 14.2 New feature: Cherry Pick Merge tutorial

New in CM 14.2
Cherry Picking is a new and powerful enhancement to the merge capabilities with in Dimensions CM, allowing for greater control and precision over what changes will be merged by cherry picking specific requests.
This PDF tutorial serves as an introduction to this new functionality
The following 9 steps are described:

Step 1: Create and populate the release stream 
Step 2: Create Maintenance stream based on the Release stream 4
Step 3: Return to the Release stream 
Step 4: Create the first request 
Step 5: Modify and deliver the version 2 changes with the first request 
Step 6: Create the second request 
Step 7: Modify and deliver the version 3 changes with the request 
Step 8 Merge using the second request  
Step 9 Review the results

Simply click the this LINK to access the document.

Do check out the accompanying KBTV video




How To-Best Practice
New Release-Feature
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