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Load Testing of TruClient Script

We have a requirement in which we want to load test our application with 5000 VUs. Each of the user will enter a different login information in the signup page. 
How can we use TruClient to write a script and then load test it against 5000 VUs with each VU reading different input data from a cvs file and login in to the application ?

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    Dear Muteeb Ahmad,

    You can use the parameter in Vugen and call it through JS from TC.
    To use parameter in TC, please follow the steps below:
    1. Import your data csv to solution explorer > parameter in Vugen. After that, you can modify "select next row" field to "Unique" and "update value on" field to "Once" to ensure that it will use only once for each Vuser

    Please note that in your case, you might need to create 5000 log-in information in the parameter lists

    2. Open Truclient and select the step that you would like to add parameterize.
    3. Select as JS and highlight its currect value.
    4. Right click and select "Replace selection with parameter" and select your parameter created in step 1

    Hope the information is useful.


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    Hi Chomchalida Chalothorn,

    Thanks for the help regarding TruClient script creation. For load testing TC script with Load Runner Cloud we are planning to use 1000 Virtual Users with 5 iterations to get 5000 unique Users. Will each VU get the unique information from the file with the current settings ( Next Row to Unique and Update Value to Once) ?
    Also, I have checked that TruClient creates a .dat file when we add a new parameter, so we can simply add the users input information in the .dat file rather then a csv file. Right ??


    Muteeb Ahmad

  • Suggested Answer

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    Dear Muteeb Ahmad,

    If you have 1000 Vuser and you would like to execute 5 iterations. Each of iteration and Vuser uses the different user log-in.
    I recommend to use Next Row with "Unique" and Update value with "Each occurrence".

    This means each iteration and each Vuser will use different parameter.

    You can explore more about the parameterization through:

    Also, you can use the dat file that auto-generate by TC directly.
