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How to associate VUSER ID column value in ERRORS.CSV file to VUSER_XX.LOG file?

Does anyone know how to determine which VUSER-XX,LOG file contains the value under the VUSER ID column that is listed in the ERRORS.CSV file? A LRC engineer and I were unable to do that in a 3 hour debug session and as a result we had to review all 210 VUSER_XX.LOGs with most of those logs containing MEGABYTES of detailed logging information that was REQUIRED by Loadrunner R&D personnel BEFORE they would continue investigating the technical support issue that I reported with the new CLOUD 2023 release (which deals with SSL EOF error followed by Step Download timeout of 120 seconds).

  • The first line of my post should be as follows:

    Does anyone know how to determine the name of the VUSER_XX.LOG file that contains the detailed logging information associated with the VUSER ID value that is listed under the VUSER ID column of the ERRORS.CSV file?

  • Hi,

    Usually if you export error to CSV, the Vuser id column should correspond to the Vuser-id.log.

    Please note that for a cloud-based load generator, the maximum size is 1 GB.
    If these maximum values are exceeded, some of the log files for that load generator may not be included in the exported logs for a test run.

    Hope the information above is helpful.
