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Login NTLM authentication issue for Microsoft dynamic application

Hi Team,

While recoding the Microsoft dynamic application ,the login authentication pop is appearing in login screen. It is not taking authentication properly after providing correct credentials. But same authentication pop screen is appearing once again after clicking on sign in. The authentication mode is NTLM . Below error is showing.

ctx = 000001AA819E0040, err = "SSLv3/TLS write client hello", err code = 5, err msg = "error:00000005:lib(0):func(0):DH lib

SSL handshake with remote server Failed!

Kindly provide solution for this.



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    , Which LRE version are you using? What protocol and what way of recording are you using.

    The message "error:00000005:lib(0):func(0):DH" is reported many times on the internet and seems to be related to TLS handshaking during initialization of a secure socket connection. Reported causes are not pointing to one single failure.

    I would start with a wireshark network trace, but you have to have some experience.

    When you are at LR 2022 or newer, it might be better to open a support case.

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      LR Version is 2021 and the protocol is web http/html. I have not checked with Wireshark yet. Tried  changing with different SSL version and cipher it is still not taking authentication.  Tried with Fiddler also ,same issue is observed .

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    You are using reasonable recent version. How do you record and which browser are you using?
    Does it work in with the same browser when you do not enable recording?

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