Trouble with lrvtc_connect_ex on VTS 2023R1 with HTTPS and NTLM


I have VTS 2023R1 up and running with TLS/HTTPS and User authentication via NTLM over TLS. Works perfectly with GUI in any browser. Working with LRE/Vugen 2022R2

I have defined some role:administrator and role:user.

 "role": {
            "administrator": [
            "user": [

When I try to connect from my Web-HTTP Script via lrvtc_connect_ex I get an error:

vuser_init.c(16): Error: lrvtc_connect_ex: Cannot parse server response.

Here's my code

pvci = lrvtc_connect_ex("Server=https://vts02","Port=8134","UserName=kw-pcload","Password=password#12345","",LAST);

I have no clue what could be wrong. Any suggestions?
