Unable to Create Manual Correlation in VuGen

Hello Fellow Performance Testers!

Help, Please!

I am trying to create a manual correlation, but for some reason I am unable to do so.

Steps below to replicate my issue:

  1. I highlight a simple value such as highlight just the date in the underlined string below:

      web_add_cookie("1P_JAR=2023-11-29-18; DOMAIN=accounts.google.com");

  2. Right-click, select "Correlate Selection"
  3. Design Studio appears and does not give me an option to correlation the selection. This is where I am stuck! No option to correlation : (

    It says "No correlation occurrences were found. Check that scans were enables in the recording options"

    Below are my recording options:

Am I doing something wrong here?

Thanks for your help!

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    HI ,

    You normally do not need to correlate cookies (and record web_add_cookie). Those are sent by server and handled implicit by LoadRunner. You might try to correlate other values in your script. After a recording, the setting up your correlation is one of the first phases to make your script ready for replay. Correlation highly depends on the recording and the current script structure.

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    Thank you always,  !

    Good to know about not needing to correlate cookies.

    Is there a setting to turn-off recording web_add_cookies?

    Any other ones (e.g. web_add_header) I should turn-off from recording? 

    The issue in #3 (Design Studio appears and does not give me an option to correlation the selection), I also encounter when trying to correlate a authenticity_token value

    "Name=authenticity_token", "Value=This value but removed for security purposes", ENDITEM,

    Any ideas how I can manually correlate it? 

    Thank you so much for always helping!


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    Try do go through all the Recording options, HTTP options, to find to disable recording cookies.

    Consider who is responsible for setting a Header and take a deeper understanding on HTTP protocol. You might learn that headers can most of time not ignored.

    Not sure why your are unable to correlate. You might play with recording options and look to Correlation options.

    Try to play with a simple recording of a well know website and experiment.

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