LoadRunner Enterprise 2023 R1 | RTE Protocol | Error : TE_wait_cursor failed: Session has been terminated

Hi All,

I am using LoadRunner Enterprise 2023 R1 and  trying to run a performance test with RTE scripts. I have setup the run for  50 Vusers and assigned one Load generator for 1 hour duration, observed that it picked only 25 Vusers and remaining got stopped with the below error message

Error : TE_wait_cursor failed: Session has been terminated

I checked from the application perspective it will be able to handle the concurrent loads of more than 50 Vusers also. but I do think, the load generator is only able to run with 25 Vusers. Please let me know whether we have any option to increase the user load?

Even my assigned LG is set up with the below values as well but still picking only 25 Vusers,

  • In Registry editor, Go to HKEY_ LOCAL_MACHINE subtree, go to the following key: \System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SubSystem
  • Open the key "windows". SharedSection specifies the System and desktop heaps using the following format: SharedSection=xxxx,yyyy,zzz where xxxx defines the maximum size of the system-wide heap (in kilobytes), yyyy defines the size of the per desktop heap, and zzz defines the size of the desktop heap for a "non-interactive" window station.
    Change zzz value to 16384.