Loadrunner VuGen : Convert Brotli encoded response to html format

I am scripting SAP Fiori application and observed response of a request in Brotli encoded format (content-encoding: br).
I need to convert it to HTML format so I can capture 2 dynamic values from the response and pass along in the following requests.

Steps taken so far: I tried to convert it to gzip/deflate encoding by explicitly mentioning a header (ex: web_add_header("Accept-Encoding","gzip"); ) right before the request but the conversion takes lot of time while the br encoded response took negligible time. The whole point of compression is to optimize Response times, but I need to convert it to a humanreadable format so I can have the script pass. Could anyone please help let me know how to convert the Brotli encoded format to html without affecting the response time of the request. Thanks in advance!

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    A few remarks:

    I think that LR (or VuGen) takes some time to unzip the request and apply the pattern scanning for your variables. This all is behind your web_*() request call. So the timing might be higher than with brotli.

    Consider if this is an issue. A normal browser would also needs to unzip (in general terms) any encoding, and when you would measure the transaction within TruClient script you will also measure this unzipping.

    Another aspect that might be that your request is using Mode=HTML iso Mode=HTTP.  In the former case LR will examine (parse) the HTML and tries to load all kind of includes like JS, images etc. That might also contribute to the response time (in your logging you will see may requests as well).

    The last remark is that when you define a transaction around your web request, it is reported with various time-components. It might that the unzipping / scanning for parameters is in the end excluded from the reported timing.

    Let us know what you discover and you might share some timing examples.

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