How to capture dynamic value in Truclient protocol


I have scenario where I need to capture dynamic value from the server response in Truclient protocol. We can capture the same via web_reg_save_param in WebHTTP protocol. How the same can be achieved in Truculent protocol?

This is my server response from the rest api call. How can I capture "_id" which is in red below in Truclient protocol. 

[{"status":{"verified":true,"sentCount":1},"_id":"58e00b5f0aac31001185ed24","user":"58e007480aac31001185ecef","text":"When asked if her husband had any hobbies, Mary Todd Lincoln is said to have replied 

Thank you.

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    Hi ,

    To my understanding, with TruClient protocol you work on the Browser's document (AUT.window or AUT.document), so TC is at a too high level to capture responses at HTTP level, unless the data that is received somehow finds its way into the DOM. When the API call is bound to an event, you might replace the JS at that event and call the API yourself, but that seems rather advanced.

    However you might execute that API call directly from a JS action in TC and then you have full control over the response.

    Maybe I missed something about TC, and someone else might have nice way to do this.

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