cannot find symbol lr_unmask

I am use VuGen 2022 R2.

I am trying to use unmask in a java script, but am getting a compilation failure:

search current JDK in Windows registry at (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\JDK\)	[MsgId: MMSG-22194]	[MsgId: MMSG-22986]
JDK found at C:/Program files/Java/jdk-17.0.9/bin/javaw.exe	[MsgId: MMSG-22189]	[MsgId: MMSG-22986]
cannot find symbol	[MsgId: MERR-22986]
		java.lang.String unmasked = lr.unmask("my masked value");	[MsgId: MERR-22986]
		                              ^	[MsgId: MERR-22986]
symbol:   method unmask(String)	[MsgId: MERR-22986]
location: class lr	[MsgId: MERR-22986]
1 error	[MsgId: MERR-22986]

I have tried other functions like lr.output_message and they work find.  The function reference for 2022 says this function exists.

What is going on?
