Load Runner 2022 R2 - No Events getting recorded using HTTP protocol. Tried recording with Chrome and Edge.Application is not getting launched and its keep running for longer time. The events number is increasing, howevthe traffic is not getting generated.

Hello Team,

While recording the script on Load runner 2022 R2 using chrome or edge browser, I'm facing below issues

1. Sometimes events are increasing, however the application is not getting launched using both the browsers.

2. Also, using web browser option for recording, the application is tried to  launch in Incognito mode and events increasing and no traffic getting generated.

3. To avoid Incognito mode, tried with "Web application"  to open the browser in normal mode however still the traffic is not getting generated. 

Could you please help me with this issue as I am not able to proceed with my work.

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    , It is difficult to keep LR in line with all the new versions of Chrome / Edge.

    We use sometimes the Chromium browser delivered by LR (<LR-Install-path>/bin/chrome/chrome.exe). FF might also be an option. Last resort is making in NetWork trace in Chrome, save as HAR file and import that file in VuGen.

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    Hello, Many thanks for your reply. I have tried with the solution provided, however still the traffic is not getting generated. We have checked and there are no firewall issues. Also.tried with Remote applicatoin via load runner proxy option and tried importing certifcates to browser. Still no luck of capturing traffic. Kindly let us know if its a bug or if we need any patch to resolve this issue.

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    And also I am getting error as "A fatal error occurred while creating a TLS client credential. The internal error state is 10013."

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      , thanks for posting an interesting detail. This might give a different direction to the solution. The error is a Windows error and there are many hits in google to be found.
    In the Recording Options -> NetWork -> Mapping and Filtering -> Options... In the Options... dialog you can play with SSL The main dialog gives the opportunity to specify servers, etc with SSL settings.

    Hookup WireShark (or use curl) tosee what kind of SSL version your application is using (Google is your friend here as well).

    Success, Erik


    You stated "I have tried with the solution provided, however still the traffic is not getting generated.", I think you missed at least the suggestion with NetWork recording and saving as a HAR file (Maybe not obvious: without using VuGen) and openig the HAR file with VuGen. This is not dependent on VuGen.

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    Thank you so much for your email and replies. I have tried all the options provided above, however still no luck in capturing traffic. We can't install network tools in our environment. Yes, we are using correct SSL version. 

    We are checking with our other teams on antivirus etc. However, kindly let us know if you have faced similar issue with new version of LRE 2022 R2. IS the issue with the new version itself?

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    Having similar issues. Blank browser with browser tab spinner and only output we see in the recording log is (X's replaced ips ) :

    Address lookup forXXXXXXXXXXX
    [Network Analyzer (9154:62ec)] Filtering XXXXXXXXXXXX
    [Network Analyzer (9154:62ec)] Filtering XXXXXXXXXXXX
    [Network Analyzer (9154:62ec)] Filtering XXXXXXXXXXXX
    [Network Analyzer (9154:62ec)] Address lookup for XXXXXXXXXXX
    [Network Analyzer (9154:62ec)] Request Connection: Remote Server @ XXXXXXX   (Service=)  (Sid=  1)  PROXIED!

    Iive tried adding the ip's to both mapping and traffic filtering parts of recording options, but this has no effect other than to spin up a different ip address in the recording log that is proxied. This is same problem with both chrome and edge, and worked when last tried a couple of weeks ago.

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    , I'm very sorry to hear that you observe this anomaly. Good that you found this thread to share your observations. Your errors are different than the one reported by bhakti. Yours do not refer to TLS. Did you see the tips at my initial response? You might try those as well and share the outcome.
    BTW it is always good to list your product version as well (or even better add it to your signature.

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    Hi JHF,

    Managed to resolve the issue with trying your suggestion of using the chrome.exe that is packaged with LRE rather than the later version installed on machine. Not sure why it has stopped working from a couple of week ago unless maybe an updated version of chrome not compatible .

    Chrome on machine (not one packaged with LRE) - Version 128.0.6613.85 (Official Build) (32-bit)

    VUGen version - 2022 build 433 (2022.0.433.0)

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    There is a serie of hot fixes available via OT support to support Chrome browsers 127.x or later. Just raise an incident with your LRP or VuGen version. When you have the rights you can download the hot fixes also directly from the support portal.

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