Idea ID: 2870235

LRE 2021 Version Control for Scripts and Scenarios

Status: Waiting for Votes

since LRE is decoupled from ALM, the Version Control ist gone. We are running and updating Scripts and Sceanrios once in a while. For Comparison is it usefull to have the possiblity to see the scriptversion along with the  scenarioversion in a specific testrun.. 

  • Ideally there should be an option to store the Scripts and scenarios in GitHub instead of in the LRE native storage. The GitHub location should be possible to setup by Project. This would then allow for runs in CICD to maintain the version of the application code tightly coupled with the scripts and scenarios.

  • Ideally there should be an option to store the Scripts and scenarios in GitHub instead of in the LRE native storage. The GitHub location should be possible to setup by Project. This would then allow for runs in CICD to maintain the version of the application code tightly coupled with the scripts and scenarios.

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