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Setting up a LoadRunner Enterprise containerized environment



In LoadRunner Enterprise 2020 SP2 release, we added support for a fully containerized environment deployment.

The environment contains four elements:  Database server, LoadRunner Enterprise server, LoadRunner Enterprise host, and a Load Generator.

This article will guide you through the requirements, deployment process, how to access the user interface, and some basic troubleshooting methods.


  • Docker host machine (minimum requirements):  4 CPU cores ,16GB RAM ,150GB of storage.
  • The setup was verified on Windows Server version 1809  build 17763.1282 running Docker version
  • If you have McAfee Antivirus, disable "Adaptive Threat Protection". Consider disabling other antivirus software since it might also impact functionality within containers.

Before you begin:

The consists of three files:

  1. docker-compose.yml  - Consists of container images and their parameters.
  2. Run_configurator.bat – Runs the LoadRunner Enterprise Configuration Wizard silently.
  3. bring_env_up_W2019.ps1- Pulls images and runs "Run_Configuratator.bat".

Perform the following:

  1. Unzip the contents of the attached zip file and edit to meet your needs.
  2. For example, in docker-compose.yml add your DNS, and change images if you tag them differently or have your own repository.
  3. You can also add your enterprise proxy to docker-compose.yml if needed.
  4. After pulling the images from the Docker repository you can comment out the first 4 lines in "bring_env_up_W2019.ps1".
  5. Copy  files locally to the Docker host machine.

Setting up the environment:

  1. Install Docker on the node:
    1. Open PowerShell with elevated mode.
    2. Run the following command to install the Docker module:
      Install-Module-Name DockerMsftProvider -Repository PSGallery -Force
    3. Run the following command to install Docker:
      Install-Package-Name docker-ProviderName DockerMsftProvider
    4. Run the following command to reboot your machine: Restart-Computer-Force
    5. Download “docker-compose” from Git:
    6. Rename "docker-compose-Windows-x86_64.exe" to "docker-compose.exe" and copy it to "C:\ProgramFiles\Docker\" folder.
    7. If you are working behind a proxy, add the proxy details as follows:[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("HTTPS_PROXY", "<your-proxy>"            [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
    8. Run the following command to restart Docker service:
      Restart-Service -Name docker

  2. Verify you can pull images from Docker hub.
    From PowerShell run: docker login
    Type your Docker hub username.
    Type your password.
  3. From unzipped folder, open PowerShell in elevated mode and run:

    You should see an output similar to the following:
    PS C:\Users\kenanom\Desktop\DockerEnv2019> .\bring_env_up_W2019.ps1
    2019: Pulling from performancetesting/custom_mssql
    65014b3c3121: Already exists
    b5405b758079: Pull complete
    3ff63bb3ff9a: Pull complete
    8668147df005: Pull complete
    f95c19a4e4f3: Pull complete
    d80a36b06e59: Pull complete
    92afe54f2e10: Pull complete
    1bfdb9eff817: Pull complete
    010169b2d320: Pull complete
    af98f149fa7d: Pull complete
    57ab89a1cb0b: Pull complete
    c 91905387c6: Pull complete
    86303b4b67a1: Pull complete
    238d10482797: Pull complete
    6a94026c0319: Pull complete

 Digest:         sha256:302b44eac54c9bccecb935f0c8ca995406e4b8804a9567be10ce315910d0b172

Downloaded newer image for performancetesting/custom_mssql:2019
Creating mssql  ... done
Creating lgsa   ... done
Creating lrhost ... done
Creating lre    ... done
Attempting stop...
Internet services successfully stopped
Attempting start...
Internet services successfully restarted
Running Configuration Wizard, wait another five minutes before connecting to LRE !!!

Access the LoadRunner Enterprise Administration site:

Wait about five minutes after setting up the environment before logging onto LoadRunner Enterprise Administration.

1. Open a web browser and type: http://<localhost or hostname or IP>/admin
    User name: "sa"
    Password: "saqa"

2. Add a Host and LG SA from LoadRunner Enterprise as defined in the Docker compose file.
In the attached docker-compose.yml file we use Host as "lrhost" and LG as "lgsa":


3. Create a project. For details, see:

4. (Optional) Install licenses, For details, see :

Access the LoadRunner Enterprise application site (formerly MyPC):

  1. Logon to LoadRunner Enterprise application site: http://<localhost or hostname or IP>/loadtest
    Use the following credentials:
        User name: "sa"
        Password: "saqa"
  2. Create a test. For details, see:
  3. Run your test. For details, see:
  4. View and analyze test results. For details, see:

Basic troubleshooting within containers:

For troubleshooting container issues access them by running the following from an elevated PowerShell:
docker exec -it <container name or id> powershell  

  1. Verify that the LRE services are running.
    From PowerShell run:
    Get-Service -Name "LoadRunner*"

Status   Name               DisplayName

------   ----               -----------

Running  LoadRunner Aler... LoadRunner Alerts Service

Running  LoadRunner Back... LoadRunner Backend Service

Running  LoadRunner Data... LoadRunner Data Collection Agent

Running  LoadRunner Remo... LoadRunner Remote Management Agent ...

2. In the LRE container verify that IIS has started.
     From PowerShell run:
     Get-IISSite "Default Web Site"

       Name             ID   State      Physical Path                  Bindings

----             --   -----      -------------                  --------

Default Web Site 1    Started    %SystemDrive%\inetpub\wwwroot  http *:80:

3. In the LRE container, verify in the Configuration Wizard log that schemas were created and
     services were installed.

     Open an interactive session to the LRE container and run: 
     type C:\PC_Server\orchidtmp\Configuration\configurationWizardLog_pcs.txt

4. Check the LREcore log from the LRE container.
     From  PowerShell run:  
     more C:\PC_Server\orchidtmp\LTLogger\LRECore.API\log.txt

5. Check w3wp log from the LRE container.
     From  PowerShell run:
     more  C:\PC_Server\orchidtmp\LTLogger\w3wp\log.txt

6. Check the services are running on the host container: 
     Get-Service -Name "LoadRunner*"

Status   Name               DisplayName

------   ----               -----------

Running  LoadRunner **bleep**... LoadRunner Analytics Service

Running  LoadRunner Data... LoadRunner Data Collection Agent

Running  LoadRunner Data... LoadRunner Data Service

Running  LoadRunner Load... LoadRunner Load Testing Service

Running  LoadRunner Remo... LoadRunner Remote Management Agent ...

Running  LoadRunnerAgent    LoadRunner Agent Service

7. If you have issues to add a host, check the logs on the host.
     From  PowerShell run:  
     more  C:\PC_Host\orchidtmp\LTLogger\LTOPSvc\log.txt

8. Verify that the Load Generator services are running.
     Run from PowerShell : 
     Get-Service -Name "LoadRunner*"

Status   Name               DisplayName

------   ----               -----------

Running  LoadRunner Remo... LoadRunner Remote Management Agent ...

Running  LoadRunnerAgent    LoadRunner Agent Service




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