Getting Error -27745: Cipher TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 used by current SSL connection is not supported by HTTP2. Use web_set_sockets_option to supply suitable ciphers. error while replaying the script which was working fine earlier.
How to fix the issue or any documentation regarding it.
I have tried changing the protocol from web services to web HTTP and created web_custom_request.It seems all good for me now.Not getting error.May be this is best workaround for me now.
We do not have internet protocol options available for web service protocol to disable HTTP2. Could you please suggest any workaround do we have for this.
Also i tried providing different chip sets which are related to HTTP2. But nothing is working out.
Normally the root cause is that your server selected "http2" but chose a cipher which is not supported by "http2".
LR supports both "http1.1" and "http2".
When connecting server, LR will say both "http1.1" and "http2" are supported, and list a default cipher list(contains many ciphers) by a "ClientHello".
(LR don't know which http version or cipher your sever will choose, so just put the default list into it)
Then wait your server answer a "ServerHello" to choose the http version and cipher.
If your server choose the "http2" with a wrong cipher, you will get this error.
The simplest solution is "disable http2" as Leonid said, if you really don't need it.
If you really need http2, you can try another solution. Set a cipher (or a cipher list) by web_set_sockets_option, which is supported by http2.
In case using HTTP/2 protocol is not required in your test, you can disable HTTP/2 features in Runtime Settings (Internet Protocol > Preferences > HTTP - uncheck option "Enable HTTP/2 features").
Replay will use the mentioned cipher agreed in SSL handshake without switching to HTTP/2.
Otherwise you can choose different cipher. Ciphers that are not supported by HTTP/2 are mentioned in LoadRunner documentation.