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/loadtest/ login page appears after 2 minutes



Since several month we have the issue that sometimes the login page of <LRE server>/loadtest/ appears with a delay of up to 2 minutes.

We have/had this behavior with versions LRE2021R1 and LRE2022R2. In version LRE2021R1 the issue appeared seldom, but in version LRE2022R2 we had it several times per day.

Note (not sure whether it is related to that configuration): We are running LRE in a ful SSL environment. We hardened the IIS according to Microsoft recommendations.


We configured IIS to preload the loadtest application with these settings:

  1. Open Computer Management and select “Add Roles and features. Navigate to “Web Server IIS/Application Development”.
    Now verify that “Application Initialization” is selected.
  2. In IIS select Application Pool “LoadtestAppPool” and click “Advanced Settings”. 
    For the option “StartMode” select “AlwaysRunning”
  3. In IIS for the Site "LoadTest" click on “Basic Settings” and verify/select “enable preload”

Now /loadtest/ is allways showing the login page within 1-3 seconds.


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