Can anyone suggest how to clear the loadrunner temps automatically
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IT Operations Cloud
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Can anyone suggest how to clear the loadrunner temps automatically
I use a batch file to cleanup all kind of temporary results of LR on LRE, LGs etc. It is scheduled via Windows Task Scheduler once a day.
The core of this batch file is, you can add more calls to forfile.exe with other paths to check:
set LOG=C:\Temp set DAYS=30 :: assume LR_PATH is set. C:\Windows\System32\forfiles.exe /P "%LR_PATH%\Temp" /M "brr_*" /D -%DAYS% /C "cmd /c IF EXIST @PATH\ ( echo %date% %time% DIR : @PATH & rmdir /S /Q @PATH 2>&1 ) ELSE ( echo %date% %time% FILE: @PATH & del /F /S /Q @PATH 2>&1 )" >>%LOG%\CleanUpLRE%DAYS%Days.log
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I use a batch file to cleanup all kind of temporary results of LR on LRE, LGs etc. It is scheduled via Windows Task Scheduler once a day.
The core of this batch file is, you can add more calls to forfile.exe with other paths to check:
set LOG=C:\Temp set DAYS=30 :: assume LR_PATH is set. C:\Windows\System32\forfiles.exe /P "%LR_PATH%\Temp" /M "brr_*" /D -%DAYS% /C "cmd /c IF EXIST @PATH\ ( echo %date% %time% DIR : @PATH & rmdir /S /Q @PATH 2>&1 ) ELSE ( echo %date% %time% FILE: @PATH & del /F /S /Q @PATH 2>&1 )" >>%LOG%\CleanUpLRE%DAYS%Days.log
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Where I need to run this code