Having Scripting Challenge in Loadrunner SAPGUI scripting as need update value (1,0) in empty rows in one of the column name as normal days , in all empty rows.

Hi Team,

I have a script in SAP GUI Protocol in Loadrunner Vugen script.

Need update the Grid Table in normal days column having empty rows. So, we need to update the empty rows with the value 1 untill empty row exists.

Can any suggest this scripting challenge code with us.

8.Enter 1,0 in empty cells in normal duration values 

this code in vugen :

// after filter the normal days colunm rows as empty rows then i am gettibg row count of empty rows //


count = lr_evel_string("Get_Row_Count");

for(i=0; i<= count;i++)

    sapgui_grid_fill_data("'Edit Project Activities' (-1, Normal Dur Days)", 


here, I am getting error when last row while entering the value,