Auth Token Error

Hello, I'm seeing the below in my replay response.

Anyone see this before? Looks like it's a token problem ??

WWW-Authenticate: Bearer error="invalid_token", error_description="The audience 'empty' is invalid"

Thank you,


Joseph Young

Consultant | Test Engineering






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    When I search on the error I get impression that the construction of the Bearer token is not according expectations, but it might also be related to server config.

    When you are using Web HTML/HTTP protocol, you might explore the used java script to generate the token. You might run the JS code with web_run_js() command.
    You can find here an example.

    It is not that easy to accomplish, but doable.

    You might also consider to use TruClient and stay away from most scripting details, but TC is in most cases too expensive on resources to run 200+ users concurrently.

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    Hello, this is looking like a Header/Cookie issue but I'll know more, as I continue analyzing in Dev Tools.

    I've been fixing each request, one by one. The script is built off a HAR file.

    Thank you,


    Joseph Young

    Consultant | Test Engineering