Please enable support for Chinese paths in Loadrunner components

LoadRunner 2023 and version 24.1 have this issue, while LoadRunner 2021 does not.

Support added in Loadrunner 2023 and 24.1.

In the Loadrunner Controller component, when you click on Results -> Results Settings in the menu bar and enter Chinese characters in the Result name and Directory input fields, the software crashes and shows a "stopped working" message after clicking the OK button and then the Start Scenario button.

In the Loadrunner VUG component, if a script is created with a Chinese name, meaning the path contains Chinese characters, the software crashes and shows a "stopped working" message. This happens after running the script using the Controller component, clicking on Results -> Analyze Results in the menu bar, then clicking on Reports -> New Report in the Analysis, and finally clicking Generate in the interface.

Highly appreciate your help.. 


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