Hi I keep on getting this error message whenever I replay the script in VuGen. Note that this is only 1 VUser so It is impossible for this to be an issue of rampup since there's no rampup happening.
Server XXX has shut down the connection prematurely
I already tried the following solutions listed below: (from https://www.perfmatrix.com/loadrunner-server-xxx-has-shut-down-the-connection-prematurely/#SnippetTab)
- Increase the ramp-up time of Vusers
- Limit the user count at the Rendevous point using the Rendevous Policy.
- Use the appropriate number of Load Generators (LG Calculator)
- Proper distribution of the load on each Load Generator.
- Add below function at the beginning of the VuGen script:
web_set_sockets_option(“IGNORE_PREMATURE_SHUTDOWN”, “1”); - If the above function does not work then add another function:
But nothing works. This just happened suddenly and still cant progress as to how I am going to fix this. Can someone please advice?