Authentication failed because the remote party has closed the transport stream while capturing Ipad traffic in loadrunner

I'm use HTTP protocal in proxy mode to record native app from tablet (HTTPS TLS 1.3).

when i recorded, the tablet can work normally but vugen cannot record anything and show [Proxy Recording.Error (14b4:1748)] Exception is caught while trying to connect to xxxxx, message=Authentication failed because the remote party has closed the transport stream.

  • LR 12.53 HTTP/HTML Protocal Proxy mode SSL TLS1.3
  • already install Certificate (webserver) in tablet and my machine
  • already install Certificate (client-proxy) in tablet and my machine
  • both device use same WIFI network

[Proxy Recording  (37ec:36b8)] Client request from @
[Proxy Recording.Error (37ec: f44)] Exception is caught while trying to connect to

, message=Authentication failed because the remote party has closed the transport stream.
[Proxy Recording.Error (37ec: f44)] Exception is caught while connecting to , message=Stream was not readable.
